Polco Sailing est une entreprise familiale de location de yachts, fondée en 1985 par Nick Lagogiannis, un ingénieur aéronautique et maritime dont l’amour pour la voile l’a poussé à abandonner l’ingénierie pour la mer. L’entreprise était basée à Athènes et s’est rapidement développée pour atteindre une flotte de 8 voiliers monocoques. En 2002, nous avons découvert Milos et sommes immédiatement tombés amoureux des beautés de l’île. Nous avons ensuite commencé à organiser des visites semi-privées quotidiennes, des excursions en bateau privé et des croisières vers Kleftiko et les îles voisines de Kimolos et Poliegos, ainsi que des charters de plusieurs jours avec skipper. Depuis 2012, l’entreprise est dirigée par Pol Lagogiannis, le fils de Nick, qui a déménagé définitivement la base de l’entreprise à Milos et en a fait le premier opérateur de croisière des îles. Au cours de nos 21 premières années de croisière autour de Milos, nous avons plus de 70 000 clients satisfaits !!! Avec deux catamarans Lagoon, trois voiliers monocoques, un bateau à moteur de 10 mètres et des skippers et équipages professionnels, notre objectif est de fournir des services personnalisés de haute qualité et de faire de la croisière une expérience détendue et agréable.
Στην Polco, η ικανοποίησή σας έρχεται πρώτη. Αντιμετωπίζουμε τους επισκέπτες μας όπως θα θέλαμε να μας αντιμετωπίζουν, με αγάπη και σεβασμό. Οι κρουαζιέρες μας είναι πρωτότυπες και διασκεδαστικές.
Petits groupes Personne n’aime être dans un endroit bondé. Lors de nos croisières d’une journée, nous n’acceptons que jusqu’à 10 passagers dans nos petits yachts OU seulement 18 passagers dans notre spacieux catamaran de 44 pieds et notre voilier de 55 pieds, un nombre bien inférieur à la capacité enregistrée des bateaux, afin que nous puissions vous offrir ce supplément. l’espace pour les jambes et le service personnalisé pour lequel POLCO est connu.
Une croisière pour tous Notre portefeuille de croisières comprend des options pour tous les goûts. Que vous souhaitiez tout voir en une journée de navigation autour de Milos et visiter Poliegos, OU que vous souhaitiez y aller doucement et explorer les grottes de Milos avec notre dériveur. Vous pouvez également choisir soit une croisière en voilier OU en catamaran ! Et pour les amateurs de vitesse ou si le temps presse, notre semi-rigide est idéal pour voir des choses lors d’une croisière d’une demi-journée.
Voile et activités Chez POLCO, nous sommes fiers de notre navigation. Tous nos skippers sont des marins de compétition et passionnés de voile. Venez avec nous et vivez une véritable expérience de navigation. Mais aussi lorsque nous sommes au mouillage, explorez les eaux cristallines de Milos avec le matériel de plongée en apnée disponible à bord ou essayez notre Stand-Up-Paddleboard.
La photographie Nous adorons les superbes photos et les vidéos incroyables ! Nos yachts sont équipés des dernières caméras GoPro et dômes sous-marins pour capturer vos moments préférés. À l’occasion, nous ferons également voler notre drone pour prendre votre photo d’en haut ! Si vous recherchez cette superbe photo Instagram, nous regorgeons d’idées pour rendre votre flux spécial.
Guides expérimentés Milos est une île à découvrir. Notre équipage est composé d’experts sur l’île. Que vous soyez intéressé par son histoire ou que vous vous demandiez simplement où trouver le meilleur poisson de la ville, notre équipage se fera un plaisir de vous aider. Et si la langue pose problème, ne vous inquiétez pas… nous parlons anglais, espagnol et italien.
Cuisine grecque fraîche faite maison Nous voulons que nos clients ressentent pleinement la célèbre hospitalité grecque. C’est pourquoi nos croisières sont entièrement préparées avec une excellente cuisine faite maison, toujours fraîche, préparée à partir des meilleurs produits locaux. Nous disposons également d’un bar ouvert avec une variété de boissons traditionnelles grecques pour vous remonter le moral !
POLCO Sailing est avant tout une affaire de personnes. Notre équipe est comme une famille pour nous, nous sommes ensemble depuis de nombreuses années et chaque nouveau membre adopte notre mentalité de « filoxenia » ou d’hospitalité grecque. Marins de compétition et passionnés de voile et de mer, gens sympas et amusants, avec une excellente connaissance de Milos, leur objectif est de faire passer un bon moment à leurs invités. Rencontrez-les ci-dessous.
Pol Lagogiannis
Manager & SkipperPol started sailing at the age of 5 and became a professional skipper at 17. He is the manager of Polco sailing but can’t stay away from what he calls his larger office, Kleftiko!
His excellent knowledge of the island and great communication skills, in English, Spanish, French and Italian make cruising with him guaranteed success!
Aggelos Solomos
DANI L. SkipperAggelos was initially intented to be our motorboat captain but we soon moved him to our sailing boats so that we could enjoy him in Kleftiko every day! A member of Polco sailing since 2021, he is an experienced captain with great knowledge of sailing, motor boats, diving, fishing and first aid. Most importantly he has an admirable personality with solid principles, kindness and tranquility. He loves telling pirate stories when visiting Kleftiko caves. A favourite for all kids!
Giorgos Saramantis
POLICOS SkipperIt all started with an impressive belly-flop to retrieve a matress from the sea in 2018… Since then Giorgos has moved from a deckhand to an amazing skipper but mostly has moved deep into our hearts and is an important member of our family. Although the youngest member of our skipper team, his experience and perception of the boats and sailing is admirable. Skilful, safe, kind-hearted and super fun you will be very lucky to sail with him.
Silvan Avdullah
MIA SkipperSilvan has been with Polco since the far 2017 when he started helping us with the technical maintenance of the boats. He then started being the crew in NIKI and some years afterwards became its skipper. He is very experienced and calm so you will always feel safe having him as your captain. His english might not be that good but he can understand the basics and will bring beers to keep people happy!
Yiannis Kontos
NIKOLAS SkipperYiannis or ‘short John’, which is what his name translates to in English, comes from a family who loved fishing and the sea so the bug was moved on from his father. He joined our team in 2023, starting as crew but as we saw his skills, he was soon promoted to Captain in NIKOLAS. A handy man and a very responsible skipper but above all an amazing guy we love him and will have him sail with us for years to come!
Thomas Kalyvas
NIKI L SkipperThomas has been a member of Polco team since 2021 and like many of our crew was promoted to skipper from crew after showing his talent but most of all after winning our hearts with his genuine character and amazing humour. A very funny guy with excellent music taste in any genre. Those that have sailed with him will surely remember him. Guaranteed fun!
Georgina Evaggelinou
DANI L CREWGeorgina has been with the Polco team since 2022 and we feel extremely lucky to have her. The cutest hostess (or second captain as she likes to be called) in Milos, she makes our lives brighter with her smile and positivity. She loves to make shrimp pasta and hates germs, that’s why she will disinfect every corner of the catamaran every day 🙂 In the winter she is a talented dancer so look out for her coz one day she will be famous!
Panos Mileounis
MIA CrewOne of our latest additions, Panos was introduced to sailing and boating this year and he has adapted exceptionally well. Hard working, sociable and smiley and a 100% Polco mentality, it feels like he is part of the family for years. A fan of reggae music (he even had dreads) he has a serious party mentality and we are priviliged to have him in our team!
Dina Digka
MIA CREWThose who pick the Round of Milos with the catamaran will have the pleasure of sailing with Dina! A 2023 entry for but here to stay, Dina is the heart of MIA crew and will get in your hearts too with her humour, smile and positive vibes. Dina loves a good beat and downtempo music will put her to sleep as she likes to say. Her BBQ chicken is the best in Milos!
Yiannis Nikias
NIKI L CrewThe second Yannis of Polco team is been with us since 2023 but is a Milos enthusiast for years. You will find him hosting NIKI guests but he could easily be the skipper there too as he has gained lots of experience through the years. He is fun and always eager to help…drinks are going to be flowing with this guy. In the winter you will find him chasing waves around Greece!
Forrest Longenbaugh
NIKOLAOS CREWIf there were more people with Forrest’s mentality this world would be a better place! Our American friend came for a week to vacation in Milos in 2022 and fell in love with Polco same as we fell in love with him! Our aim is to keep him in Greece for many years to come…maybe even find him a Greek wife 🙂 Fun, smiley, kind and always eager to show people a good time he is a joy to sail with!
Carlotta Lonzano
POLICOS CrewOur Catalan connection, Carlotta – or Carlottita as we call her – is one of our latest additions and is the crew in POLICOS. Coming from a career in sales she had no idea how to work the sails! She was a fast learner, though, and she did extremely well in her first year so she is coming back. Adorable, smiley and an excellent hostess and cook, she is a guest favourite.
Stavros Papadopoulos
Back-OfficeStavros is one of the oldest Polco sailing members. He was initially intented to work as crew as he is also a sailor (and a good one) but after starting working in the office ended up being in the heart of our customer relations department. He will reply to your querries, answer the phone and he will greet you when you come to check-in in the morning. Sometimes he goes sailing to get out of the office and offer his hosting skills and humour to our guests.
Chara Liapaki
Back-OfficeWe needed a girl in the office to put some spark and joy and we found Hara. Her name in Greek actually translates into joy which is also her nick-name. Our girl from Crete is one of the first contact points you can have in Polco as she is the one answering your questions if you send us an email. She also sends out those amazing photos we take on Polco cruises.
Daniel Pena
ChefOur ‘compadrito’, coming from Colombia, started as crew on our boats in 2019 but his shrimp pasta was just to good to offer to one boat only so he decided to share it with all the fleet! He is in charge of setting up Polco menu and cooking our yammee food and tapas. He is also a talented photographer and a very fun guy to hang out with.